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UK Breakin' formed as a few individuals recognised the need to:
- Connect
- Share
- Network
- Speak about issues
- Safeguard
- Grow Breakin' in the UK.
- Develop understanding of the culture and culture activity
- Anti-segregated approach celebrating peace, unity, love and having fun
Our focus is building from the grassroots up, ensuring that career pathways are created in Arts, Sports and community sectors, so all breakin' talent can grow.
- We have a membership portal where breakers can build their breakin' CV and promote their work to collaborators/employers.
- Break Mission hub are developing a relationship with Birmingham City University developing sporting platforms.
- We are collaborating with One Dance UK we are making resources for education.
- Glossary of terms is available for all.
- Supporting grassroots classes with insurance, DBS (PVG), training/accreditation to strengthen all of our practice.
- Building a hub map so people know where to find breakin' activities; events, training, classes, collaborators.
- Building collaborations with other Hip Hop art forms such as DJs and musicians to create Breakbeats, and Graffiti artists to create the characters.
- We attend global conversations to learn about best practice.
- Having a website where potential connections/sponsors/events can link with us to grow future opportunities.
We know that there is a rich history in the UK, Breakin' has been present here since the early 80's and the legacy breakers here were part of a global collaboration building and developing breakin' to what it is today. UK breakin' are looking to make sure these legacy breakers are not forgotten and building our historical records.
Everyone is welcome to be involved, by signing up to the membership portal you will be able to access networking activities including weekly Sunday meetings, where members discuss and decide what is needed and what we will focus on to support and develop each other.
It is important to remember breakin' has taken place all over the UK, by many different individuals, all of them are valid, all of the breakers deserve recognition and we need a body ready to ensure the next generation has a space for all to grow in the breakin' world to keep this art/sport/community alive.
To get involved, sign up and get in touch
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